Hi! I am Sloth. Welcome to my website, where I enjoy sharing all things sloth with you. Sloths, as you may know, are innovative and unique. We move at precisely the right pace to rendezvous with everything we desire, and we don't worry about matching the pace of others or what others think of our pace. Sometimes others think sloths are just slow and unknowing, but appearances are quite deceiving, as sloths are quite perceptive and capable of masterfully creating an impenetrable zone of well-being around ourselves. Embracing our slow nature, we sloths have integrated into our easygoing manner the ability to act boldly when necessary. In general, we sloths are friendly and fearless!  

As a sloth, my way is to feel good and navigate with ease anywhere I want to go. My fellow sloths and I think for ourselves and like to do our own thing. Sloths have a remarkable visionary ability to percieve things clearly and sense the most efficient path to a destination. We enjoy demonstrating the wisdom of moving precisely, efficiently, and at an appropriate pace. What looks like laziness can actually be wisdom. Sloths know that there are always more leaves, and the journey to find them where the joy is, so there's no reason to hurry! We can change our perspective with ease and view the world upside down, which gives us access to knowledge and understanding not available to those with a more fixed perspective. And we love hanging out with trees!


Support Sloth Speaks:  50% of every donation goes to maintaining and adding content to this site.  The other 50% will be donated to a zoo or wildlife organization that supports sloths!  Yay!

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